High-Performing Teams Through Culture
Find the real pains and resolve them.
Start now!

What is blocking your organisation?

Over 99% of employees would like to discuss issues truthfully and effectively.
More than 50% say their organisations are not doing it.

The number one efficiency booster is psychological safety. Why is that so?
When teams can not speak about their blockers and impediments, they will avoid them and therefore they won't resolve them. Organisations that focus on metrics and processes are less effective on implementing those. This costs time.
Feeling comfortable means being able to talk about issues safely without fearing penalties and this means being safe to implement the right innovations for organisations to thrive.

Culture is a very important part of this process. As soon you have a team, you have a culture and want to establish a collaborative and safe environment. I help you define one and how to keep track of it.

Unblock Yourself!

Join The Journey To Become A Culture-Driven Organisation!

Your leadership journey of collaborative culture!
As a leader, you are the number one person of contact. You have the overview of your teams and you are the coordinator and the decision-maker.

This comes with a lot of power and responsibilities. Leaders often struggle with the right communication, and strategy and are often overwhelmed with the number of topics to handle, as well as how to define processes that are efficient and don’t create impediments on their own.

I help leaders get the right communication strategy, create the right culture, build and develop teams, and use their time effectively.
Unlock the magic of
self-organizing teams
Teams suffer from a number of issues that block them. Some of which are lack of coordination, communication, cohesion, decision making, good conflict management, social relationships and bad performance feedbacks. Individually teams suffer from lack of self-knowledge, trust, commitment and flexibility.

I identify these blockers for you and help the teams to unblock themselves.
Create culturally
magnetizing organization
Complex structures and lack of direction is often a big blocker for organisations. But not only that. Organisations suffer from issues such as clear purpose, appropriate culture, distinct roles, suitable leadership and adequate resources.

Organisations need to be looked at from a holistic point of view. As a consultant I identify your blockers from the organisational point of view and find strategies for you so that your enabled to resolve them.
Image shows Birgit Pohl, your leadership coach, bringing culture into your organisation.
Your Coach & Consultant

Here To Help Reaching Your Highest Potential

Hi, I'm Birgit. I'm passionate about leadership, agility, resilience and culture within a company. I look at the individual leader, the teams, management and organisation to bring the best out of the organisation.

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Our Happy Clients

Happy Leaders and Organisations

Fresenius Medical Care

"My sessions with Birgit are from great impact to me. They support me with reframing the situation, adding work and life experience from Birgit as well as numerous tips on further readings. Sessions with Birgit pass by very fast, but the impact remains for so much longer."

– Vicky Sorge (CISO at Kaufland GmbH)
Fresenius Medical Care
Agile Coaching & Leadership Coaching
at Fresenius Medical Care
Fresenius Medical Care
Executive Leadership Coaching
at Dr. Michael Gorski Consulting GmbH
Fresenius Medical Care
Interim CTO/CPO
at Mendu

Culture News

Grow Your Organisation's Potential!
Today is the day to build a brilliant culture.
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